#BradyDerangementSyndrome #PatriotsDerangementSyndrome

Later we had
outbreaks of Palin Derangement Syndrome. And now, we've even seen it spread to the conservative world
with Obama Derangement Syndrome, from which I freely admit I've suffered in the
As a former sufferer of the syndrome myself, I recognize
the disease in others, never more so than with many NFL fans outside New England. A filming incident, in
broad view of 80,000 people and more of an "F you" from the Patriots coaching staff to
the NFL and their newly emphasized rule (an incident that became known as
"Spygate"), changed neurons in what were once viable brains of NFL fan bases outside of New England, and was
additionally compounded by an inability of these fan bases to accept 3
previous Superbowl wins by this team they grew to resent and hate. The mere
mention of Bill Belichick, Tom Brady, Robert Kraft, or the New England Patriots
is enough to send these fans into either deep depression or
foaming-at-the-mouth apoplexia.
Clearly, the NFL management staff itself suffers from at least
Brady Derangement Syndrome, if not full-on Patriots Derangement Syndrome, as anyone who has
actually read the Wells Report, NFLPA rebuttals, appeals transcripts, and even
the NYFed court decision should clearly see.
With no direct evidence whatsoever to any involvement by Brady in the
desire to, wish to, or active participation in the deflation of footballs,
the league went from the silly
"more probable than not" was "generally aware" that
something was happening somewhere in the
organization, to the full on insane claim that Brady now "knew about,
approved of, consented to, and provided
inducements and rewards in support of a scheme" to deflate footballs. Huh?
Even Judge Berman shook his head at that one. I'm sure Goodell himself had to be talked
down off the ledge of accusing Brady of
actually carrying around a ball needle hidden in the cell phone that he "destroyed" (and which clearly
contained not only his full confession to Deflategate, but also his role in
the 9/11 takedowns and Oklahoma
So, I can see the Brady and Patriots derangement
syndromes at play here, especially in this whole Deflategate thing, and I understand its debilitating effect on the intellect of those sufferers.
I know it's a particularly difficult burden for fans of the Seahawks, St Louis Rams, Philadelphia Eagles, and
Carolina Panthers, as well as just about every AFC team, who have had their Super Bowl dreams crushed at
one time or another at the hands of the New England Patriots football team.
I will say, though, there is hope.
I myself have overcome my own form of derangement syndrome in the political arena (I actually
think Obama is doing pretty good work, albeit I believe his mission is to destroy this country, but, hey, he's
bringing his "A" game and I respect that).
There is hope for others.